The Martyrdom of St . Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos

The Martyrdom of St . Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos

On this day, St . Antipas, bishop of Pergamos, was martyred . He was a disciple of St . John theevangelist (Rev . 2) .Domitianus started persecuting and killing the Christians because he heard, that they were saying, thatChrist was their God and King . This Saint was one of them . He was tortured severely, but adheredmore to the faith . During his imprisonment, St . John the evangelist sent him a message to comfort andstrengthen him . In his message, he called him faithful priest and good shepherd .Finally, the Emperor placed him in a bull of brass and lighted fire under him until he delivered up hissoul in the hand of the Lord . The believers took his body and placed it with great honor in the church .His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever . Amen .