Lazaurs Saturday

Baramhat 30, 1733 - ابريل 8, 2017, Lazaurs Saturday(The dwelling of The Lord with in us)
Come today my Lord and dwell within me and help me
And fill me with Your power that cures the sin and raises the dead.
And fill me with Your love and glory and my brotherly love
And forsake the love of the world and all its belongings from my heart.
And grant me patience to until the end and wait to awaken with Your coming.
And fill me with peace, gladness, power and victory
And grant me peace and to build up all my brothers to Your fellowship.
And fill me with kindness, humility, gentleness and long suffering
And to continually praise Your Holy name in my heart.
And I filled from the Tree of Life that lives within me
And deliver me from all the strangers, of