The Apparition of Virgin Mary in Akita in Japan

The Apparition of Virgin Mary in Akita in Japan

She appeared in Akita, Japan when the wooden statue of Virgin Mary was crying 1975; thetears persisted for around seven years. Beforehand that statue was bleeding lots of blood and sweat. These events had been seen first by Sister Agnes Sasa and others nuns, which were then telecasted by the Japanese television for the viewers in Japan. When the blood, tears and sweat were analyzed, theywere found human.

Preceding these events, Virgin Mary had miraculously heeledSisterAgnes who was deaf; she couldn’t hear and was now cured after the miracle. Sister Agnes said “when a mother cries with tears in front of her children, it means that there is a great reason for it and the tears meant that there is an urgent message for all of us.” During these blessed incidents, Virgin Mary gave Sister Agnes very important messages saying “A lot of people are making God sad, and because of this, the world will know his rage. For the Holy Father will send punishment on all mankind. Virgin Mary’s intercessions were to calm His anger on mankind.” Virgin Mary persistently asked us to focuson repentance and coming back to God with a pure heart and asks Him mercy to keep away disasters from the world.

In another message Virgin Mary said “if the humanity did not repent and improve itself, the Holy Father will punish them. Fire will come from heaven to the extent that the living will envies dead.” Virgin Mary continued saying “the devil’s work will sneak into the church and fight the people who dedicated their lives to the service of God, the devil will not show any mercy with them. The idea of having many people fall because of this temptation is the reason which makes me sad." Virgin Mary kept highlighting on the importance of prayers and repentance, also asked us to pray the doxology every day.