From the sayings of StMARI EPHRAIM EL SOURIANYabout Fasting

From the sayings of StMARI EPHRAIM EL SOURIANYabout Fasting


“Fasting secretly purifies the soul so it can gaze on God and grow by the vision of Him. “

Do not be hindered O Simple Ones regarding that Deceiver who robs Fasters. 
For when he sees someone abstaining from bread, 
He is filled with anger. When he sees someone standing to pray 
He fills his mind with one distraction after another. 
He steals from his heart the prayer of his mouth, 
O Lord of ours give us an eye to see, 
How he steals the truth in deceit. 

Blessed is the King who adorned the Holy Church with Fasting, Prayer and Vigil. 

Fasting is bright and beautiful for any who bright enough 
to gaze on God. The Turbid One, stirred up by anything 
cannot fix the eye on that Clear One. He who possesses a clear eye 
He can gaze upon him; as much as it is given to him to gaze. 
Instead of the clarifying wine, let us clarify our thought 
So that we will be able to see the Clear One 
Who overcame the Evil One by means of fasting, that Disturber of All.